As you know Bizbio has taken over the Trade Network Exchange. When I agreed, I knew there would be some hard work ahead and boy was I right. Due to the pandemic and the loss of so many negative balance members, the network I took possession of is currently, in gridlock.
Money you can’t spend is not money, it's numbers representing work you did for free. To protect your trade dollars and your ability to spend them I have been forced to institute a RESERVE PROGRAM (as described in the accompanying video). Hopefully you'll see this move, as the responsible thing to do in a bad situation.
For those of you who do not know me, are worried about the future or simply hate the fact that you have to think about this, with so many other priorities buffeting you in these uncertain times, believe me when I say, the hay days of this new exchange are still ahead. I’m pumped about the prospect of getting things rocking and rolling again, and if you give this program a chance, I think you will get excited about it too.
Because people will be selling again!
…and because of that you can spend again. As time goes on and more members join, the size of transactions will grow, and it’ll be easier to absorb big positive balances into the whole. Soon, the machinery of the exchange will churn out new opportunities and new deals daily.
Few know how many inventive ways a barter network can offer to help your business grow. We can help make deals, which would otherwise fall through, between members and even non-members, happen. We can help you keep employees, recover bad debt, get full retail for old inventory, sell properties, monetize in-kind donations, use up time sensitive capacity, get bums in seats and cash referrals flying through the door.
Talk to us about what’s going on in your business and together we can find a way. But only if you stick it out. Keep selling, keep buying, keep referring new businesses and keep in contact.
Thank you for your support and happy trading.